Project description

“SYnergy of integrated Sensors and Technologies for urban sEcured environMent” (SYSTEM) is an innovation action awarded to a consortium led by Fondazione FORMIT addressing the challenge of the topic “Integration of detection capabilities and data fusion with utility providers’ network” (SEC-10-FCT-2017) included in the 2016-2017 Work Programme “Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens” of Horizon 2020.

SYSTEM started on 1 September 2018 and aims at developing and testing a customised sensing system for hazardous substances detection in complementary utility networks and public spaces. The proposed innovative monitoring and observing of fused data sources will be tested and eventually adapted in six urban areas, while carefully tracking Ethics and Legal aspects as well as managing confidential information. 

To achieve these aims, a wide set of skills and capabilities has been considered key to success, determining the large partnership working on the project, made by partners cooperating with more than ten stakeholders supporting the project activities.

SYSTEM is divided in 12 Work Packages, which are listed as follows.

For further information about the scope and deliverables of each Work Package, please visit the webpage Project deliverables


Scenario definition, users and system requirements


Technology preparation, development and delivery


Data analysis from utility networks: modelling and validation


Data analysis from sewage utility networks: modelling and validation


Data analysis of the household waste collection network


Data analysis of the air monitoring network


Data and information fusion


Demonstration (execution and evaluation)


Exploitation and dissemination


Legal and ethics management


Ethics requirements


Project management

Project outcomes

Through improving the operational effectiveness of our sensing devices, that will be then integrated through a data fusion monitoring centre, the SYSTEM project aims at: