Scenario definition, users and system requirements
The aim of this Work Package is to consolidate the baseline in terms of operational priorities and technology knowledge, allowing the start-up of technical design and demonstration planning.
The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP1. It is to be noted that only accepted public deliverables can be accessed and downloaded.
D1.1 Requirements, scenario definition and system concept
D1.2 Data retrieval definition Downloadable as public
D1.3 Subsystems prototype specifications
Technology preparation, development and delivery
Amongst the activities to be carried out in this Work Package are the integration, validation and manufactoring of the technical components of SYSTEM. Monitoring devices are adapted, improved and complemented with additional and commercial components.
The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP2. It is to be noted that only accepted public deliverables can be accessed and downloaded.
D2.1 Full integration plan
D2.2 Sewage monitoring component prototype and report
D2.3 Smart Manhole system prototype and report
D2.4 Air Monitoring system prototype and report
D2.5 Adapted T4i DOVERTM chemical detector
D2.6 SYSTEM prototype progress report
D2.7 SYSTEM final prototype and technical report
Data analysis from utility networks: modelling and validation
Work Package 3 provides the basic knowledge in SYSTEM for the data fusion that will be implemented in WP7 according to the data collected by the technologies developed in WP2 within the scenarios addressed by the project.
The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP3. It is to be noted that only accepted public deliverables can be accessed and downloaded.
D3.1 Specification of the methodology used for fusing signal patterns from the three utility networks
D3.2 Evaluation of the data fusion methodology
D3.3 Final design of the data fusion methodology Downloadable as public
Data analysis from sewage utility networks: modelling and validation
This Work Package focuses on methods for an appropriate distribution of sensors in sewer systems and the design of methods to localise points of discharges from clandestine drug and explosive production. Sewer networks are therefore analysed and modelled.
The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP4. It is to be noted that only accepted public deliverables can be accessed and downloaded.
D4.1 Description of the initial set of target compounds and concentrations for each sensing subsystem in each scenario in the sewage utility network
D4.2 First specification of signal patterns, methodology for planning of sensor distribution and localization of source points in the sewage utility network
D4.3 Final specification and evaluation of signal patterns, methodology for planning of sensor distribution and localization of source points in the sewage utility network
D4.4 Model based planning and results of a prevalence investigation in sewage Downloadable as public
Data analysis of the household waste collection network
This Work Package focuses on air monitoring of household waste utility networks to analyse gases and VOCs evolved from such a waste together with remotely surveying illegal landfills and optionally local sampling, with the scope of detecting potential markers of clan laboratories.
The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP5. It is to be noted that any of the following can be accessed and downloaded due to their dissemination level (not public).
D5.1 Description of the initial set of target compounds and concentrations for each sensing subsystem in each scenario in the solid waste utility network
D5.2 First specification of signal patterns, methodology for planning of sensor distribution and localization of source points in the solid waste utility network
D5.3 Final specification and evaluation of signal patterns, methodology for planning of sensor distribution and localization of source points in the solid waste utility network
Data analysis of the air monitoring network
Work Package 6 focuses on air monitoring of exhaust outlets, connection points of air vents, ducts, AC and HVAC systems with the addition of a broader look at air monitoring.
The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP6. It is to be noted that any of the following can be accessed and downloaded due to their dissemination level (not public).
D6.1 Description of the initial set of target compounds and concentrations for each sensing subsystem in each scenario for the air utility network
D6.2 Specification and evaluation of signal patterns, sensor distribution, sensor fusion and machine learning
Data and information fusion
The aim of this Work Package is the Data Fusion as software where to gather, collect, store and visualise data to be provided to the LEAs.
The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP7. It is to be noted that only accepted public deliverables can be accessed and downloaded.
D7.1 Report on requirements for HW and SW Downloadable as public
D7.2 Prototype applications and report
D7.3 Report on Prototype validation
D7.4 Final prototype with operations and testing report
Demonstration (execution and evaluation)
The aim of this Work Package is to support the organisation and implementation of WP2 and WP3 field tests, for both the sensor systems and the software where to fuse data in SYSTEM, to assess and demonstrate their capabilities to perform the expected functions, thus assessing their performance and compliance to usability and reliability requirements. The results of such activities will serve to identify any adaptation and/or technical improvement needed for each component according to the deployed scenario, as well as any possible integration or combination with further solutions available either in the project or on the market.
The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP8. It is to be noted that any of the following can be accessed and downloaded due to their dissemination level (not public).
D8.1 Deployment plan
D8.2 Installation documentation
D8.3 Phase 1 Quarterly check point 1 on demonstration results and needs
D8.4 Phase 1 Quarterly check point 2 on demonstration results and needs
D8.5 Phase 1 Quarterly check point 3 on demonstration results and needs
D8.6 Technical Report on first year of demonstration and plan for the second year
D8.7 Phase 2 Quarterly check point 1 on demonstration results and needs
D8.8 Phase 2 Quarterly check point 2 on demonstration results and needs
D8.9 Phase 2 Quarterly check point 3 on demonstration results and needs
D8.10 Final Technical Report on demonstration
D8.11 SYSTEM Evaluation report
Exploitation and dissemination
The aim of this Work Package is twofold (i.e. to disseminate the project, its activities and outcomes as wide as possible, targeting different type of stakeholders, and to define and implement a coherent set of activities aimed at ensuring the appropriate exploitation of the SYSTEM project results).
The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP9. It is to be noted that only accepted public deliverables can be accessed and downloaded.
D9.1 Dissemination plan
D9.2 Dissemination material Downloadable as public
D9.3 Dissemination activities (Newsletters, press releases)
D9.4 SYSTEM Project website Downloadable as public
D9.5 Working papers, scientific and technical publications
D9.6 Minutes and related documents of the 7 SYSTEM outreach events
D9.7 Exploitation plan
D9.8 Promotional videos Downloadable as public
D9.9 Minutes and SYSTEM related documents of the workshops
D9.10 Evaluation report of the impact of the exploitation activities
D9.11 Individual business plans of SYSTEM partners
D9.12 SYSTEM business plan
D9.13 IPR agreement
Legal and ethics management
The main objective of this Work Package is to harness the project and the expected application of its technologies to established legal frameworks and accepted ethical standards in line with the expectations of the society and citizens.
The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP10. It is to be noted that only accepted public deliverables can be accessed and downloaded.
D10.1 Report on legal and ethical compliance of SYSTEM research activities Downloadable as public
D10.2 Baseline knowledge report on LESA frameworks Downloadable as public
D10.3 Risk review reports Downloadable as public
D10.4 Legal and Ethics support package Downloadable as public
D10.5 Reports documenting the activities of the sub-Committee Downloadable as public
D10.7 Guidelines for deployment of the SYSTEM activities Downloadable as public
D10.8 Baseline Report on Ethical and Social Acceptance aspects of SYSTEM Downloadable as public
Ethics requirements
This Work Package sets out the ethics requirements the project must comply with.
The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP11. It is to be noted that any of the following can be accessed and downloaded due to their dissemination level (not public).
D11.1 H – Requirement No. 2
D11.2 POPD – Requirement No. 3
D11.3 POPD – Requirement No. 4
D11.4 DU – Requirement No. 5
Project management
This Work Package has the objective to ensure the achievement of the project goals and the delively of high quality results in a professional manner with respect to the defined deadlines, the budget and resources available, and the declared objectives, as well as to ensure an effective communication channels amongst project partners, end-users and stakeholders.
The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP12. It is to be noted that only accepted public deliverables can be accessed and downloaded.
D12.1 Project operational and management plan Downloadable as public
D12.2 Administrative and quality management reports
D12.3 Technical and scientific management reports
D12.4 Financial management reports
D12.5 Plan for a CEN Workshop Agreement Downloadable as public