Institute of Hydrology Slovak Academy of Sciences is a scientific research institution which conducts a comprehensive research and teaching in the field of environmental science and water management to improve and disseminate knowledge on the circulation and quality of water in the nature. One of the main activities of the Institute is focused also on flow of surface water, groundwater and transport processes of substances in surface and subsurface water or in another type of flow with free water level. Since its establishment, the mission of the Institute of Hydrology is the acquirement and transfer of new scientific knowledge in the fields of hydrology, hydrodynamics and water hydraulics to water management practise in Slovakia or other countries. The Institute elaborates methodologies and manuals to provide the society with powerful tools to solve urgent and perspective water-related problems using the contemporary scientific knowledge. Monitoring, field and laboratory experiments were employed to reach the research objectives. Simulation models are designed and used in analyses and predictions of water dynamics and quality. The employees of the Institute participated on the projects of national and international granting schemes, on research activities of International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO and also on creation of Centres of excellence supported by the Research & Development Operational Programme funded by the ERDF.